2010年7月21日 星期三

新竹橫山烤肉記- Go BBQ with Sascha and his friends


馬丁的好朋友Sascha, 一位荷蘭籍卻只會說德語的荷蘭帥哥,因為娶了pub老闆娘Christine,




Sascha invited us to his friend's villa in the mountain for a BBQ party, the view

from the place is very beautiful.




這一直是馬丁的夢想,只是還要努力的赚 "摳摳" 才能達成囉!

The owner of the house builds a wooden house and a glass room and even

a bar, it's a very relaxing place.




Start preparing BBQ.




The temperature was lower in the mountain and with the breeze it felt very

cooling there. We played cards and drank beers to spend a relaxing afternoon.



妮娜,妳的眼睛可以再張大一點! Karina always open her eyes big !


Uncle Joe 總是會溫柔的哄著妮娜,以後妮娜一定會很愛你的喔!

Joe  is very willing to hold Karina always, he is a sugar uncle .


Dora 也是很有耐心的阿姨,把娜娜給哄睡了,在微風下,娜娜睡在蚊帳裡不會熱,應該很舒服吧!

It's good that Dora is a very patient girl to baby, Karina finally fell asleep in the net,

with the breeze, she had a lekker slaapen.


快滿三個月的娜娜第一次到山上。 Karina's first time BBQ in the mountain.



最後當然要大合照一下,因為Sascha, 馬丁開始認識了其他的外國朋友,我們的生活圈也更豐富了。

Pictures with all other friends.



Christine 將在民權路上開一家pub, 叫做Gotheburg, 中文叫德式,現在正如火如荼的趕工裝潢,


幫她宣傳什麼ㄋㄟ! 不過相信以她經營pub的功力,一定會成為人潮爆滿的超級pub的。


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